Montag, 26. Mai 2014

32 weeks pregnancy update / ssw 32

We´ve had our 5 years wedding anniversary and our 8 years 'relationship' anniversary this weekend. <3

This selfie was done during our walk at the river Alster.

And this is my belly sofar...

How far along? I finished 32 weeks!
Total weight gain: 15,4 kilos already - oh how shall I loose all this again?! :(
Bump measure: 98cm.
Maternity clothes? Still wearing the same stuff as always but added some of my old summer dresses as the weather here is really nice at the moment. I will probably wear them over leggings though.
Stretch marks? No
Fitness: I absloved a pregnancy fitness session of around 30minutes that I learned in our prenatal course. I split it in two halts of 15minutes 'work out' and 15 minutes exercising breathing. On wednesday I also went to an outdoor swimming pool with a friend and spend 3 hours in the water with wonderful weather!
Sleep: I wake up early and it is hard to bend over as the baby is so heavy - 1850grams already!
Best moment this week: At the doctors appointment on Monday when Nico and I were listening to Lillian´s heart rate <3
Miss anything? Same as always ;)
Movement: Tons of movement! However, she still needs to turn around, fingers crossed it will happen soon! 
Food/cravings: Nothing in particular.
Anything making you quesy or sick? No.
Gender: Girl!
Labor signs: Maybe some slight contractions due to the false labour.
Symptoms: I felt sick on Tuesday after my little exercise session. I have water in my hands and feet which is really uncomfortable. Acupuncture is helpful but only for a short time :( Then I noticed some hurt in my frets skin so I had an appointment for the pedicure and it slightly improved. Other than that I am just incredibly slowly... :)
Belly button in or out? Streched out.
Wedding rings on or of? Of :(((
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy!
Looking forward to: Our photo shooting.

Sani <3

Dienstag, 20. Mai 2014

31 weeks pregnancy update / ssw 31

This week started with a big disappointment! My midwife didn´t show up to our date on Monday where she wanted to help me with the baby´s room preparations. As it turns out I will watch out for a new midwife, I don´t like unreliable people!

Apart from that we had our last session of our prenatal course and learned a lot about breast feeding. It was very informative and in the end we asked another couple of the course if we want to meet up soon for a drink!

Other than that I decided to get my hair done this week - cut and colouration. I thought that I´d have no time when the baby has arrived and I also want to look pretty for our photo shoot and wedding anniversary day. I had absolutely no concerns to get my hair coloured as it´s not coming against the scalp and cannot enter in to my bodies blood circulation or whatever. :)

And last but not least I had my sister in law over on Sunday. She was helping me a lot with the baby´s room, getting everything organized and telling me what I need and what I don´t need. She also brought over some new stuff, she is such a lovely person and I should have asked her to do it with me in the first steps! :)

Here are some sneaky peaky pictures of what we´ve done out of it...

 Baby´s changing area
Baby`s hygienic care products like diapers and wipes etc.
Skin care products in the shelf over the changing table
burping cloths, medicine and some things that go into my hospital bag
Baby food related 'equipment' and bath care products

And this is my bump for 31 weeks:

How far along? I finished the 31 week.
Total weight gain: My weight has risen up to 82,4kg now which is a weight gain from the beginning of 14,1kg. It matches pretty much what I heard about the last weeks of pregnancy - half a kilo each weeks seems to work out ok.
Bump measure: 99cm.
Maternity clothes? Yes.
Stretch marks? No.
Fitness: I reached my goal for this week and went for a proper round of swimming! I hit 50 lanes in 45 minutes and also did some underwater squads. YES!!! I am so pround :)
Sleep: It´s still the same so I suppose it´s quite okay.
Best moment this week: Having reached my fitness goal!
Miss anything? A variety in clothes.
Movement: Still a lot.
Food/cravings: I was craving salad and strawberries this week. Hmmm!
Anything making you quesy or sick? My own laziness maybe... Since I don´t work anymore I do get the feeling that I don´t get managed a lot, sometimes...
Gender: Girl!
Labor signs: False labor has started, I guess! I had a contraction twice.
Symptoms: False labor, a slight headache and backache. This week I had more water in my legs, feet and hands. Apart from that, everything is getting heavier and I move really slowly now.
Belly button in or out? Streched out.
Wedding rings on or of? Off, as I do have water in my hands. :(
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy.
Looking forward to: Our wedding anniversary day! <3 <3 <3 

Sani <3

Sonntag, 11. Mai 2014

30 weeks pregnancy update / ssw 30

This week we got a lot of information about the actual labor and birth in our prenatal class. Now I am really excited how everything will happen! And when! Although I still have a good 9 weeks to go. I suddenly feel I haven´t managed too much.. as I still need to wash some things, get some paperwork sorted out, look for a doctor and maybe a Kindergarden. Aside from that I have only one packet of nappies & wipes at home and apart from some small baby care samples no caring products at all!

On Tuesday I placed a little play corner into Lillian´s room for her books and toys.
I bought the shelf and the blue boxes at IKEA and all the wooden toys are from Tchibo. On top of the shelf is a little music play set, in the upper shelf is a little animal memory game and in the lower shelf is an animal puzzle. Although it is a bit early our little baby can learn some animal names soon already! On the window sill is also an angler game that we will give to her later on when she is a bit older.

Saturday we visited the hospital, because they are under construction at the moment and will move the birth station at the end of May. They opened their doors on the weekend so we could see how the actual delivery rooms, the operating theater, the unit rooms for the first days and the premature baby station do look like. This lays all quite tight together so ways are short. Everything is new and in light colors which is nice.

We also made a date for a professional baby bump shooting and I am soo looking forward to it! :)

Here is my belly for 30 weeks pregnant.

How far along? Finished 30 weeks today!
Total weight gain: 13,5 kg.
Bump measure: 98cm.
Maternity clothes? Yes and no.
Stretch marks? No.
Fitness: Not much, a short bicycle ride, a little tiny bit of swimming. All in all I was really exhausted this week anyway. My goal for next week is to do one proper swimming session.
Sleep: My sleep is okay, I won´t complain at all. However, I feel I cannont lay a sneaky little bit on the back anymore, the belly is now definitively too heavy! And turning over is not as easy anymore as well. Oh yes, and I dream a lot of weird things!
Best moment this week: Was my visit and good-bye-party in the office last friday. I organized a breakfast for my department and was so happy to see all my colleagues once more and say good-bye with a proper little breakfast-party. I felt so happy because everybody was so nice and we could chat a little bit. They also got me a good-bye present and flowers, aww! So cute:)

 I love the flowers, they are so pretty and pink!

This is what was contained in 'the little relax-box' for me. It´s a small box of Lindt chocolates, a big douglas voucher, a perfume tester, some facial masks and anti-wrinkle eye cream, a very heavy and greasy cream, a hand cream from dalan d'olive which I love and of course a card!

Miss anything? Moving faster :)
Movement: A lot. <3
Food/cravings: Nothing in special.
Anything making you quesy or sick? I find myself getting angry easily when I get HUNGRY!!! ;)
Gender: Girl!
Labor signs: No.
Symptoms: I still had to catch up with my teeth flesh infection this week and it still has too heal and shrink back a little bit. :( Slight headache as my midwife who does the acupuncture was not available this week. And the belly is hard a lot which makes me exhausted quickly.
Belly button in or out? Streched out completely I´d say.
Wedding rings on or of? Off :'( which is so sad, because May is our wedding month and wedding day is coming soon!
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy! Hubby and I are laughing so much these last days which is wonderful! <3
Looking forward to: Our professional belly shooting!

Tonight we are going out with the the 'mum's club' and taking the dad's-to-be with us! Hope you´re having a nice evening as well!

Sani <3

Sonntag, 4. Mai 2014

29 weeks pregnancy update / ssw 29

This week we ordered some toys for our baby. Tchibo has some on offer this week! They are all wooden toys and have a really good price!

And this is my bump shot for 29 weeks pregnant!

Actually the only maternity wear in this picture is the grey top underneath. 

How far along? Just finished the 29th week!
Total weight gain: 13,1 Kg
Bump measure: 
Maternity clothes? Yes!
Stretch marks? No!
Fitness: Nothing was planned this week, as I felt I still need to recover a little bit from last week. But unpredictably I had to bicycle to the hospital once more.
Sleep: Quite okay actually! Apart from turning around, but that is another story.
Best moment this week: Was at my doctors appointment when I heard her heartbeat on the tocograph!
Miss anything? Wearing nice clothes!
Movement: Tons!
Food/cravings: I loved different fresh fruits a lot this week!
Anything making you quesy or sick? Not really.
Gender: Girl!
Labor signs: No.
Symptoms: A lot of belly pain unfortunately. Still my headache won´t go away without the acupuncture sessions. And this week I was extremely sensitive with my teeth/flesh.
Belly button in or out? In but almost complete streched out.
Wedding rings on or off? Off!
Happy or moody most of the time? Happy!
Looking forward to: Ease my belly pain.

Sani <3